The Clock

This is the final stage of the software of my standalone DCF77 clock project. All further improvements will be in my dedicated DCF77 library.

Lets have a look at the feature list of the final stage and when they were introduced.

  • Phase acquisition in the presence of significant noise – January 2013
  • Synchronization mark aquisition in the presence of significant noise – February 2013
  • Decoding minutes and hours – April 2013
  • Decoding everything including proper handling of leap seconds and daylight saving time – June 2013
  • Local clock to keep synchronous time as long as at least the phase lock can be kept – July 2013
  • Local clock to keep asynchronous time after complete signal loss – July 2013
  • Multiple display modes – new
  • Improved signal reaquisition after signal loss once the local clock is synced – new
  • Support for inverted signal sampling – new
  • Improved interfaces – new

First let us see how the clock communicates over the serial port.

DCF77 Clock V1.0
(c) Udo Klein 2013

Sample Pin:    19
Inverted Mode: 1
Analog Mode:   1
Monitor Pin:   18

use serial interface to alter display settings
  t --> 10 ticks
  T --> 16 ticks
  s --> BCD seconds
  h --> BCD hours and minutes
  m --> BCD months and days


Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 0 (0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)0,0,0,255
Clock state: useless
Tick: 18
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 0 (0-0:0)(6-0:2)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)0,0,0,255
Clock state: useless
Tick: 998
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 0 (14-0:1)(4-0:1)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)(0-0:0)0,0,0,255
Clock state: useless
Tick: 1218

After the copyright notice it outputs an overview of its internal configuration. As you might properly guess you can change this configuration by altering some constants prior to compiling it.

The analog mode is intended for use with the Blinkenlighty. If you have a standard Arduino switching to digial mode will give you slightly improved performace. In my setup this is irrelevant but if you need to do some computations while the decoder is running your code might benefit from the slightly lower core utilization.

The inverted signal mode was introduced because of my new demodulator board. Although it offers significantly better gain and signal quality it delivers the signal inverted compared to my old board. So I added a flag to take care of this.

It also display the choice of possible display modes. Whenever you send the assigned letter through the serial port the clock will select the corresponding mode. All unsupported “modes” will bring up the mode overview again.

Finally you can see that the clock starts initializing and brings up some details on the internal decoder states.

Eventually the clock will lock to the signal and the final result will be of course the decoded time.

Decoded time: 13-05-18 6 11:16:59 MESZ 
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 5 (6001-0:255)(164-0:23)(232-174:8)(203-145:8)(87-58:4)(174-145:4)(145-116:4)(116-87:4)34,17,17,50
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

Decoded time: 13-05-18 6 11:17:00 MESZ 
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 5 (5971-0:255)(164-0:23)(232-174:8)(203-145:8)(87-58:4)(174-145:4)(145-116:4)(116-87:4)34,17,17,50
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

Decoded time: 13-05-18 6 11:17:01 MESZ 
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 5 (5990-0:255)(164-0:23)(232-174:8)(203-145:8)(87-58:4)(174-145:4)(145-116:4)(116-87:4)34,17,17,50
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

You might wonder what the stange Quality figures mean. The first number gives the overall quality / confidence in the decoded signal. Higher is better. Then come the different decoder stage numbers. First comes the phase lock, then the seconds, minutes, hours, weekdays, days, months, years. For each of the stages there is a triple (a-b:c) that gives the “score” for the signal (a). The score for the noise that gets closest to the signal (b) and a single number for the resulting quality (c). Then next 3 numbers give the cummulated score for the daylight saving time flag, the timezone and the leap second flag. The final number tells the number of received bits that matched the locally generated time signal for the previous minute. This is a very good short term signal quality indicator. 50 implies that the signals match 100%. Lower is worse. 0 would imply that absolutely nothing matches, that is the received signal is the inverse of the locally generated signal. A very poor signal (close to 100% noise or signal loss) will give a match close to 25.

Here is an example of a synced clock with a particular bad signal quality.

Decoded time: 13-04-13 6 13:48:04 MESZ
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 2 (5781-2:255)(185-51:18)(151-127:3)(131-111:2)(56-44:2)(114-106:1)(97-83:2)(77-70:1)40,22,22,28
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

Decoded time: 13-04-13 6 13:48:05 MESZ
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 2 (5787-0:255)(163-23:19)(151-127:3)(131-111:2)(56-44:2)(114-106:1)(97-83:2)(77-70:1)40,22,22,26
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

Decoded time: 13-04-13 6 13:48:06 MESZ
Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): 2 (5791-4:255)(163-23:19)(151-127:3)(131-111:2)(56-44:2)(114-106:1)(97-83:2)(77-70:1)40,22,22,26
Clock state: synced
Tick: 15

This was acquired during testing. The clock required about 20 minutes to sync to this signal. There was no period during these 20 minutes with a clean signal. Needless to say that none of my commercial DCF77 clocks even got close to anything reasonable.

Now let us turn to the implementation details.

The most obvious enhancement is that I added a facade to wrap all the parts with one unified interface / namespace. This the DCF77_Clock namespace. From a design point of view it is a wrapper as illustrated by the picture below.

DCF77 Clock Logical View

Technically it sits on the same level as the other modules. This makes testing and debugging slightly easier as I do not need to break non existing encapsulation. After all I am the only developer in this project so I can rely on my discipline šŸ™‚ So the acutal implementation is more like in the overview picture below.

DCF77 Clock Implementation View

In addition to the wrapper I added a very cool feature to the clock. Do you remember the Second Decoder? Basically this piece of the clock looks at the sync mark and two known bit positions to infer the start of the minute. This is most crucial as this is required to infer the proper bit positions of the DCF77 code. Since I added a local clock stage and since I have a clock encoder I know the whole expected code in advance. That is I can look at ALL of the time encoding bits to infer the start of the minutes. With other words: once the clock is locked I have an optimal convolution kernel. This is not very helpful to acquire a lock in the first place but it is extraordinary helpful to keep a lock once it is acquired. It is also helpful for reacquiring a lock. So I added this feature to the second decoder. As soon as the clock reaches the “locked” stage for the first time the second decoder will switch to a convolution kernel which exploits the knowledge of the current time. Even if the local clock would get out of sync for a long enough time to lead or lag by some minutes this would be an advantage as the year, month, day and hour bits still provide more than enough indication for the proper phase. You may consider this the ultimate technical overkill but I already had all the pieces in place, so I just had to do it.

As a side effect of this feature I can measure how much the precomputed kernel matches with the actual signal. Since the kernel should match the real signal 100% (except if I miss a leap second) this allows to assess the actual noise level of the demodulated signal. This is a feature almost no other DCF77 clock exhibits.

One detail that was bugging me was the performance of my combined decoder stages. Since the timer interrupt triggers every 1 millisecond I have only 16 000 cycles per interrupt. After adding the enhanced convolution based second decoder I wondered if I am still within this 16 000 cycles window. In order to find out I just added two digital write statements around the interrupt processing to toggle a pin. The actual performance measurement was then performed with a DSO. See the picture below for the results.

DCF77 Decoder Performance

DCF77 Decoder Performance

As can be seen from the DSO trace my code will use ~150 Āµs per interrupt (each millisecond) and ~650 Āµs every second for processing all decoder stages. There are two things here that cause attention. First the decoders are faster than expected. Second the minimum time per interrupt is way to high. Were do the -150 Āµs come from? They are from the analogRead which I need because all pins are loaded with LEDs. If you use my code in a setting without LEDs loading the DCF77 signal pins you can switch to digitalRead and enjoy immediate performance improvements. Not that it would really matter in this case but it is interesting to see how slow analogRead is, especially if you compare it with my decoder performance. My decoder uses about the same time as 3 analogReads!

Since my clock decoder is processed from within a timer interrupt I can use the loop() function for a rudimentary clock display. I added several possible displays and made then controlable through the serial monitor. By default I emulate a very rudimentary oscilloscope with a sweep of 5 Hz (200ms per sweep or 12.5ms per LED). The sweeps are unsynchronized until the clock reaches the dirty state (or better) for the first time. This approach has several nice features.

  1. It becomes very easy to “see” if the demodulated signal is clean or noisy and to roughly estimate its noise level.
  2. It becomes also very easy to see if the clock is already locked or still acquiring a lock.
  3. It is Ć¼bercool. This is a DCF77 clock that visally ticks. You can really see how the signal ticks in. This are DCF77 controlled Blinkenlights and this is – after all – what my blog is all about. Have a look at the video and see yourself.

The video shows the clock in a locked state with a clean signal. 30 seconds into the video I start a “rattler”. You can hear it in the background. The rattler is about 20 cm away from the DCF77 antenna and generates lots of interference and transient noise. See how the time visually ticks in and how it gets disturbed once the rattler starts?

Enough said, here comes the code. Scroll down to the end of this page for some more videos of the clock in action.

//  Copyright 2013 Udo Klein
//  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program. If not, see

namespace BCD {
    typedef union {
        struct {
            uint8_t lo:4;
            uint8_t hi:4;
        } digit;

        struct {
            uint8_t b0:1;
            uint8_t b1:1;
            uint8_t b2:1;
            uint8_t b3:1;
            uint8_t b4:1;
            uint8_t b5:1;
            uint8_t b6:1;
            uint8_t b7:1;
        } bit;

        uint8_t val;
    } bcd_t;

    void increment(bcd_t &value);

    bcd_t int_to_bcd(const uint8_t value);
    uint8_t bcd_to_int(const uint8_t value);

namespace DCF77_Clock {
    typedef struct {
        BCD::bcd_t year;     // 0..99
        BCD::bcd_t month;    // 1..12
        BCD::bcd_t day;      // 1..31
        BCD::bcd_t weekday;  // Mo = 1, So = 7
        BCD::bcd_t hour;     // 0..23
        BCD::bcd_t minute;   // 0..59
        BCD::bcd_t second;   // 0..60
        bool uses_summertime;
    } time_t;

    // Once the clock has locked to the DCF77 signal
    // and has decoded a reliable time signal it will
    // call output handler once per second
    typedef void (*output_handler_t)(const time_t &decoded_time);

    // input provider will be called each millisecond and must
    // provide the input of the raw DCF77 signal
    typedef uint8_t (*input_provider_t)(void);

    void setup();
    void setup(const input_provider_t input_provider, const output_handler_t output_handler);

    void set_input_provider(const input_provider_t);
    void set_output_handler(const output_handler_t output_handler);

    // blocking till start of next second
    void get_current_time(time_t &now);
    // non-blocking, reads current second
    void read_current_time(time_t &now);

    void print(time_t time);

    void debug();

    // determine quality of the DCF77 signal lock
    uint8_t get_overall_quality_factor();

    typedef enum {
        useless  = 0,  // waiting for good enough signal
        dirty    = 1,  // time data available but unreliable
        free     = 2,  // clock was once synced but now may deviate more than 200 ms, must not re-lock if valid phase is detected
        unlocked = 3,  // lock was once synced, inaccuracy below 200 ms, may re-lock if a valid phase is detected
        locked   = 4,  // clock driven by accurate phase, time is accurate but not all decoder stages have sufficient quality for sync
        synced   = 5   // best possible quality, clock is 100% synced
    } clock_state_t;
    // determine the internal clock state
    uint8_t get_clock_state();

    // determine the short term signal quality
    // 0xff = not available
    // 0..25 = extraordinary poor
    // 25.5 would be the expected value for 100% noise
    // 26 = very poor
    // 50 = best possible, every signal bit matches with the local clock
    uint8_t get_prediction_match();

namespace DCF77_1_Khz_Generator {
    void setup(const DCF77_Clock::input_provider_t input_provider);
    uint8_t zero_provider();

namespace Debug {
    void debug_helper(char data);
    void bcddigit(uint8_t data);
    void bcddigits(uint8_t data);

namespace Hamming {
    typedef struct {
        uint8_t lock_max;
        uint8_t noise_max;
    } lock_quality_t;

typedef union {
    struct {
        uint8_t b0:2;
        uint8_t b1:2;
        uint8_t b2:2;
        uint8_t b3:2;
    } signal;
    uint8_t byte;
} tData;

namespace DCF77 {
    typedef enum {
        long_tick  = 3,
        short_tick = 2,
        undefined  = 1,
        sync_mark  = 0
    } tick_t;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t byte_0;  // bit 16-20  // flags
        uint8_t byte_1;  // bit 21-28  // minutes
        uint8_t byte_2;  // bit 29-36  // hours, bit 0 of day
        uint8_t byte_3;  // bit 37-44  // day + weekday
        uint8_t byte_4;  // bit 45-52  // month + bit 0-2 of year
        uint8_t byte_5;  // bit 52-58  // year + parity
    } serialized_clock_stream;

    typedef struct {
        BCD::bcd_t year;     // 0..99
        BCD::bcd_t month;    // 1..12
        BCD::bcd_t day;      // 1..31
        BCD::bcd_t weekday;  // Mo = 1, So = 7
        BCD::bcd_t hour;     // 0..23
        BCD::bcd_t minute;   // 0..59
        uint8_t second;      // 0..60
        bool uses_summertime           : 1;  // false -> wintertime, true, summertime
        bool uses_backup_antenna       : 1;  // typically false
        bool timezone_change_scheduled : 1;
        bool leap_second_scheduled     : 1;

        bool undefined_minute_output                    : 1;
        bool undefined_uses_summertime_output           : 1;
        bool undefined_uses_backup_antenna_output       : 1;
        bool undefined_timezone_change_scheduled_output : 1;
    } time_data_t;

    typedef void (*output_handler_t)(const DCF77::time_data_t &decoded_time);

    typedef enum {
        useless  = 0,  // waiting for good enough signal
        dirty    = 1,  // time data available but unreliable
        free     = 2,  // clock was once synced but now may deviate more than 200 ms, must not re-lock if valid phase is detected
        unlocked = 3,  // lock was once synced, inaccuracy below 200 ms, may re-lock if a valid phase is detected
        locked   = 4,  // no valid time data but clock driven by accurate phase
        synced   = 5   // best possible quality, clock is 100% synced
    } clock_state_t;

namespace DCF77_Encoder {
    // What *** exactly *** is the semantics of the "Encoder"?
    // It only *** encodes *** whatever time is set
    // It does never attempt to verify the data

    void reset(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    void get_serialized_clock_stream(const DCF77::time_data_t &now, DCF77::serialized_clock_stream &data);

    uint8_t weekday(const DCF77::time_data_t &now);  // sunday == 0
    BCD::bcd_t bcd_weekday(const DCF77::time_data_t &now);  // sunday == 7

    DCF77::tick_t get_current_signal(const DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // This will advance the second. It will consider the control
    // bits while doing so. It will NOT try to properly set the
    // control bits. If this is desired "autoset" must be called in
    // advance.
    void advance_second(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // The same but for the minute
    void advance_minute(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // This will set the weekday by evaluating the date.
    void autoset_weekday(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // This will set the control bits, as a side effect it sets the weekday
    // It will generate the control bits exactly like DCF77 would.
    // Look at the leap second and summer / wintertime transistions
    // to understand the subtle implications.
    void autoset_control_bits(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    void debug(const DCF77::time_data_t &clock);
    void debug(const DCF77::time_data_t &clock, const uint16_t cycles);

    // Bit      Bezeichnung     Wert    Pegel   Bedeutung
    // 0        M                       0       Minutenanfang (

    // 1..14    n/a                             reserviert

    // 15       R                               Reserveantenne aktiv (0 inaktiv, 1 aktiv)
    // 16       A1                              AnkĆ¼ndigung Zeitzonenwechsel (1 Stunde vor dem Wechsel fĆ¼r 1 Stunde, d.h ab Minute 1)
    // 17       Z1               2              Zeitzonenbit Sommerzeit (MEZ = 0, MESZ = 1); also Zeitzone = UTC + 2*Z1 + Z2
    // 18       Z2               1              Zeitzonenbit Winterzeit (MEZ = 1, MESZ = 0); also Zeitzone = UTC + 2*Z1 + Z2
    // 19       A2                              AnkĆ¼ndigung einer Schaltsekunde (1 Stunde vor der Schaltsekunde fĆ¼r 1 Stunde, d.h. ab Minute 1)

    // 20       S                       1       Startbit fĆ¼r Zeitinformation

    // 21                        1              Minuten  1er
    // 22                        2              Minuten  2er
    // 23                        4              Minuten  4er
    // 24                        8              Minuten  8er
    // 25                       10              Minuten 10er
    // 26                       20              Minuten 20er
    // 27                       40              Minuten 40er
    // 28       P1                              PrĆ¼fbit 1 (gerade ParitƤt)

    // 29                        1              Stunden  1er
    // 30                        2              Stunden  2er
    // 31                        4              Stunden  4er
    // 32                        8              Stunden  8er
    // 33                       10              Stunden 10er
    // 34                       20              Stunden 20er
    // 35       P2                              PrĆ¼fbit 2 (gerade ParitƤt)

    // 36                        1              Tag  1er
    // 37                        2              Tag  2er
    // 38                        4              Tag  4er
    // 39                        8              Tag  8er
    // 40                       10              Tag 10er
    // 41                       20              Tag 20er

    // 42                        1              Wochentag 1er (Mo = 1, Di = 2, Mi = 3,
    // 43                        2              Wochentag 2er (Do = 4, Fr = 5, Sa = 6,
    // 44                        4              Wochentag 4er (So = 7)

    // 45                        1              Monat  1er
    // 46                        2              Monat  2er
    // 47                        4              Monat  4er
    // 48                        8              Monat  8er
    // 49                       10              Monat 10er

    // 50                        1              Jahr  1er
    // 51                        2              Jahr  2er
    // 52                        4              Jahr  4er
    // 53                        8              Jahr  8er
    // 54                       10              Jahr 10er
    // 55                       20              Jahr 20er
    // 56                       40              Jahr 40er
    // 57                       80              Jahr 80er

    // 58       P3                              PrĆ¼ftbit 3 (gerade ParitƤt)

    // 59       sync                            Sync Marke, kein Impuls (Ć¼bliches Minutenende)
    // 59                               0       Schaltsekunde (sehr selten, nur nach AnkĆ¼ndigung)
    // 60       sync                            Sync Marke, kein Impuls (nur nach Schaltsekunde)

    // Falls eine Schaltsekunde eingefĆ¼gt wird, wird bei Bit 59 eine Sekundenmarke gesendet.
    // Der Syncimpuls erfolgt dann in Sekunde 60 statt 59. Ɯblicherweise wird eine 0 als Bit 59 gesendet

    // Ɯblicherweise springt die Uhr beim Wechsel Winterzeit nach Sommerzeit von 1:59:59 auf 3:00:00
    //                               beim Wechsel Sommerzeit nach Winterzeit von 2:59:59 auf 2:00:00

    // Die Zeitinformation wird immer 1 Minute im Vorraus Ć¼bertragen. D.h. nach der Syncmarke hat
    // man die aktuelle Zeit


    // Schaltsekunden werden in Deutschland von der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt festgelegt,
    // die allerdings dazu nur die international vom International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems
    // Service (IERS) festgelegten Schaltsekunden Ć¼bernimmt. Im Mittel sind Schaltsekunden etwa alle 18
    // Monate nƶtig und werden vorrangig am 31. Dezember oder 30. Juni, nachrangig am 31. MƤrz oder
    // 30. September nach 23:59:59 UTC (also vor 1:00 MEZ bzw. 2:00 MESZ) eingefĆ¼gt. Seit der EinfĆ¼hrung
    // des Systems 1972 wurden ausschlieƟlich die Zeitpunkte im Dezember und Juni benutzt.

namespace DCF77_Naive_Bitstream_Decoder {
    void set_bit(const uint8_t second, const uint8_t value, DCF77::time_data_t &now);

namespace DCF77_Flag_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);

    void reset_after_previous_hour();
    void reset_before_new_day();

    bool get_uses_summertime();
    bool get_uses_backup_antenna();
    bool get_timezone_change_scheduled();
    bool get_leap_second_scheduled();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Decade_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_decade();
    BCD::bcd_t get_decade();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Year_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_year();
    BCD::bcd_t get_year();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Month_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_month();
    BCD::bcd_t get_month();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Day_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_day();
    BCD::bcd_t get_day();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Weekday_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_weekday();
    BCD::bcd_t get_weekday();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Hour_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_hour();
    BCD::bcd_t get_hour();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Minute_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value);
    void advance_minute();
    BCD::bcd_t get_minute();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Second_Decoder {
    void setup();
    void set_convolution_time(const DCF77::time_data_t &now);
    void process_single_tick_data(const DCF77::tick_t tick_data);
    uint8_t get_second();
    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    uint8_t get_prediction_match();

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Local_Clock {
    typedef enum {
        useless  = 0,  // waiting for good enough signal
        dirty    = 1,  // time data available but unreliable
        free     = 2,  // clock was once synced but now may deviate more than 200 ms, must not re-lock if valid phase is detected
        unlocked = 3,  // lock was once synced, inaccuracy below 200 ms, may re-lock if a valid phase is detected
        locked   = 4,  // no valid time data but clock driven by accurate phase
        synced   = 5   // best possible quality, clock is 100% synced
    } clock_state_t;

    void setup();
    void process_1_Hz_tick(const DCF77::time_data_t &decoded_time);
    void process_1_kHz_tick();
    void get_quality();
    void debug();

    clock_state_t get_state();

    // blocking till start of next second
    void get_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // non-blocking, reads current second
    void read_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

namespace DCF77_Clock_Controller {
    void setup();

    void process_1_kHz_tick_data(const uint8_t sampled_data);

    void process_single_tick_data(const DCF77::tick_t tick_data);

    void flush(const DCF77::time_data_t &decoded_time);
    void set_output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::output_handler_t output_handler);

    typedef Hamming::lock_quality_t lock_quality_t;

    typedef struct {
        struct {
            uint32_t lock_max;
            uint32_t noise_max;
        } phase;

        DCF77::clock_state_t clock_state;
        uint8_t prediction_match;

        lock_quality_t second;
        lock_quality_t minute;
        lock_quality_t hour;
        lock_quality_t weekday;
        lock_quality_t day;
        lock_quality_t month;
        lock_quality_t year;

        uint8_t uses_summertime_quality;
        uint8_t timezone_change_scheduled_quality;
        uint8_t leap_second_scheduled_quality;
    } clock_quality_t;

    void get_quality(clock_quality_t &clock_quality);

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t phase;
        uint8_t second;
        uint8_t minute;
        uint8_t hour;
        uint8_t weekday;
        uint8_t day;
        uint8_t month;
        uint8_t year;
    } clock_quality_factor_t;

    void get_quality_factor(clock_quality_factor_t &clock_quality_factor);
    uint8_t get_overall_quality_factor();
    uint8_t get_clock_state();
    uint8_t get_prediction_match();

    void phase_lost_event_handler();
    void sync_lost_event_handler();

    // blocking, will unblock at the start of the second
    void get_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    // non-blocking reads current second
    void read_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now);

    void debug();

namespace DCF77_Demodulator {
    void setup();
    void detector(const uint8_t sampled_data);
    void get_quality(uint32_t &lock_max, uint32_t &noise_max);
    void get_noise_indicator(uint32_t &noise_indicator);
    uint8_t get_quality_factor();

    void debug();

// test unlocked / locked transitions
// test free handling
// once the clock is locked advancing the stages could be done by the local clock

namespace Debug {
    void debug_helper(char data) { Serial.print(data == 0? 'S': data == 1? '?': data - 2 + '0', 0); }

    void bcddigit(uint8_t data) {
        if (data <= 0x09) {
            Serial.print(data, HEX);
        } else {

    void bcddigits(uint8_t data) {
        bcddigit(data >>  4);
        bcddigit(data & 0xf);

namespace BCD {
    void print(const bcd_t value) {
        Serial.print(value.val >> 4 & 0xF, HEX);
        Serial.print(value.val >> 0 & 0xF, HEX);

    void increment(bcd_t &value) {
        if (value.digit.lo < 9) {
        } else {
            value.digit.lo = 0;

            if (value.digit.hi < 9) {
            } else {
                value.digit.hi = 0;

    bcd_t int_to_bcd(const uint8_t value) {
        const uint8_t hi = value / 10;

        bcd_t result;
        result.digit.hi = hi;
        result.digit.lo = value-10*hi;

        return result;

    uint8_t bcd_to_int(const bcd_t value) {
        return value.digit.lo + 10*value.digit.hi;

namespace Arithmetic_Tools {
    template <uint8_t N> inline void bounded_increment(uint8_t &value) __attribute__((always_inline));
    template <uint8_t N>
    void bounded_increment(uint8_t &value) {
        if (value >= 255 - N) { value = 255; } else { value += N; }

    template <uint8_t N> inline void bounded_decrement(uint8_t &value) __attribute__((always_inline));
    template <uint8_t N>
    void bounded_decrement(uint8_t &value) {
        if (value <= N) { value = 0; } else { value -= N; }

    inline void bounded_add(uint8_t &value, const uint8_t amount) __attribute__((always_inline));
    void bounded_add(uint8_t &value, const uint8_t amount) {
        if (value >= 255-amount) { value = 255; } else { value += amount; }

    inline void bounded_sub(uint8_t &value, const uint8_t amount) __attribute__((always_inline));
    void bounded_sub(uint8_t &value, const uint8_t amount) {
        if (value <= amount) { value = 0; } else { value -= amount; }

    inline uint8_t bit_count(const uint8_t value) __attribute__((always_inline));
    uint8_t bit_count(const uint8_t value) {
        const uint8_t tmp1 = (value & 0b01010101) + ((value>>1) & 0b01010101);
        const uint8_t tmp2 = (tmp1  & 0b00110011) + ((tmp1>>2) & 0b00110011);
        return (tmp2 & 0x0f) + (tmp2>>4);

    inline uint8_t parity(const uint8_t value) __attribute__((always_inline));
    uint8_t parity(const uint8_t value) {
        uint8_t tmp = value;

        tmp = (tmp & 0xf) ^ (tmp >> 4);
        tmp = (tmp & 0x3) ^ (tmp >> 2);
        tmp = (tmp & 0x1) ^ (tmp >> 1);

        return tmp;

    void minimize(uint8_t &minimum, const uint8_t value) {
        if (value < minimum) {
            minimum = value;

    void maximize(uint8_t &maximum, const uint8_t value) {
        if (value > maximum) {
            maximum = value;

    uint8_t set_bit(const uint8_t data, const uint8_t number, const uint8_t value) {
        return value? data|(1<<number): data&~(1<<number);

namespace Hamming {
    template <uint8_t significant_bits>
    void score (uint8_t &bin, const BCD::bcd_t input, const BCD::bcd_t candidate) {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        const uint8_t the_score = significant_bits - bit_count(input.val ^ candidate.val);
        bounded_add(bin, the_score);

    template <typename bins_t>
    void advance_tick(bins_t &bins) {
        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);
        if (bins.tick < number_of_bins - 1) {
        } else {
            bins.tick = 0;

    template <typename bins_type, uint8_t significant_bits, bool with_parity>
    void hamming_binning(bins_type &bins, const BCD::bcd_t input) {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;
        using namespace BCD;

        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);

        if (bins.max > 255-significant_bits) {
            // If we know we can not raise the maximum any further we
            // will lower the noise floor instead.
            for (uint8_t bin_index = 0; bin_index <number_of_bins; ++bin_index) {
            bins.max -= significant_bits;

        const uint8_t offset = number_of_bins-1-bins.tick;
        uint8_t bin_index = offset;
        // for minutes, hours have parity and start counting at 0
        // for days, weeks, month we have no parity and start counting at 1
        // for years and decades we have no parity and start counting at 0
        bcd_t candidate;
        candidate.val = (with_parity || number_of_bins == 10)? 0x00: 0x01;
        for (uint8_t pass=0; pass < number_of_bins; ++pass) {

            if (with_parity) {
                candidate.bit.b7 = parity(candidate.val);
                score<significant_bits>([bin_index], input, candidate);
                candidate.bit.b7 = 0;
            } else {
                score<significant_bits>([bin_index], input, candidate);

            bin_index = bin_index < number_of_bins-1? bin_index+1: 0;

    template <typename bins_t>
    void compute_max_index(bins_t &bins) {
        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);

        bins.noise_max = 0;
        bins.max = 0;
        bins.max_index = 255;
        for (uint8_t index = 0; index < number_of_bins; ++index) {
            const uint8_t bin_data =[index];

            if (bin_data >= bins.max) {
                bins.noise_max = bins.max;
                bins.max = bin_data;
                bins.max_index = index;
            } else if (bin_data > bins.noise_max) {
                bins.noise_max = bin_data;

    template <typename bins_t>
    void setup(bins_t &bins) {
        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);

        for (uint8_t index = 0; index < number_of_bins; ++index) {
  [index] = 0;
        bins.tick = 0;

        bins.max = 0;
        bins.max_index = 255;
        bins.noise_max = 0;

    template <typename bins_t>
    BCD::bcd_t get_time_value(const bins_t &bins) {
        // there is a trade off involved here:
        //    low threshold --> lock will be detected earlier
        //    low threshold --> if lock is not clean output will be garbled
        //    a proper lock will fix the issue
        //    the question is: which start up behaviour do we prefer?
        const uint8_t threshold = 2;

        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);
        const uint8_t offset = (number_of_bins == 60 || number_of_bins == 24 || number_of_bins == 10)? 0x00: 0x01;

        if (bins.max-bins.noise_max >= threshold) {
            return BCD::int_to_bcd((bins.max_index + bins.tick + 1) % number_of_bins + offset);
        } else {
            BCD::bcd_t undefined;
            undefined.val = 0xff;
            return undefined;

    template <typename bins_t>
    void get_quality(const bins_t bins, Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        lock_quality.lock_max = bins.max;
        lock_quality.noise_max = bins.noise_max;

    template <typename bins_t>
    uint8_t get_quality_factor(const bins_t bins) {
        if (bins.max <= bins.noise_max) {
            return 0;

        const uint16_t delta = bins.max - bins.noise_max;
        // we define the quality factor as
        //   (delta) / ld (max + 3)

        // unfortunately this is prohibitive expensive to compute

        // --> we need some shortcuts
        // --> we will cheat a lot

        // lookup for ld(n):
        //   4 -->  2,  6 -->  2.5,   8 -->  3,  12 -->  3.5
        // above 16 --> only count the position of the leading digit

        if (bins.max >= 32-3) {
            // delta / ld(bins.max+3) ~ delta / ld(bins.max)
            uint16_t max = bins.max;
            uint8_t log2 = 0;
            while (max > 0) {
                max >>= 1;
            log2 -= 1;
            // now 15 >= log2 >= 5
            // multiply by 256/log2 and divide by 256
            const uint16_t multiplier =
            log2 > 12? log2 > 13? log2 > 14? 256/15
            : 256/14
            : 256/13
            : log2 > 8 ? log2 > 10? log2 > 11? 256/12
            : 256/11
            : log2 >  9? 256/10
            : 256/ 9
            : log2 >  6? log2 >  7? 256/ 8
            : 256/ 7
            : log2 >  5? 256/ 6
            : 256/ 5;
            return ((uint16_t)delta * multiplier) >> 8;

        } else if (bins.max >= 16-3) {
            // delta / 4
            return delta >> 2;

        } else if (bins.max >= 12-3) {
            // delta / 3.5
            // we know delta <= max < 16-3 = 13 --> delta <= 12
            return delta >= 11? 3:
            delta >=  7? 2:
            delta >=  4? 1:

        } else if (bins.max >= 8-3) {
            // delta / 3
            // we know delta <= max < 12-3 = 9 --> delta <= 8
            return delta >= 6? 2:
            delta >= 3? 1:

        } else if (bins.max >= 6-3) {
            // delta / 2.5
            // we know delta <= max < 8-3 = 5 --> delta <= 4
            return delta >= 3? 1: 0;

        } else {  // if (bins.max >= 4-3) {
            // delta / 2
            return delta >> 1;

    template <typename bins_t>
    void debug (const bins_t &bins) {
        const uint8_t number_of_bins = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);
        const bool uses_integrals = sizeof(bins.max) == 4;

        Serial.print(get_time_value(bins).val, HEX);
        Serial.print(F(" Tick: "));
        Serial.print(F(" Quality: "));
        Serial.print(bins.max, DEC);
        Serial.print(bins.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(F(" Max Index: "));
        Serial.print(bins.max_index, DEC);
        Serial.print(F(" Quality Factor: "));
        Serial.print(get_quality_factor(bins), DEC);

        for (uint8_t index = 0; index < number_of_bins; ++index) {
            if (index == bins.max_index ||
                (!uses_integrals && index == (bins.max_index+1) % number_of_bins) ||
                (uses_integrals && (index == (bins.max_index+10) % number_of_bins ||
                (index == (bins.max_index+20) % number_of_bins)))) {

namespace DCF77_Encoder {
    using namespace DCF77;

    inline uint8_t days_per_month(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) __attribute__((always_inline));
    uint8_t days_per_month(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        switch (now.month.val) {
            case 0x02:
                // valid till 31.12.2399
                // notice year mod 4 == year & 0x03
                return 28 + ((now.year.val != 0) && ((bcd_to_int(now.year) & 0x03) == 0)? 1: 0);
            case 0x01: case 0x03: case 0x05: case 0x07: case 0x08: case 0x10: case 0x12: return 31;
            case 0x04: case 0x06: case 0x09: case 0x11:                                  return 30;
            default: return 0;

    void reset(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        now.second      = 0;
        now.minute.val  = 0x00;
        now.hour.val    = 0x00;     = 0x01;
        now.month.val   = 0x01;
        now.year.val    = 0x00;
        now.weekday.val = 0x01;
        now.uses_summertime           = false;
        now.uses_backup_antenna       = false;
        now.timezone_change_scheduled = false;
        now.leap_second_scheduled     = false;

        now.undefined_minute_output                    = false;
        now.undefined_uses_summertime_output           = false;
        now.undefined_uses_backup_antenna_output       = false;
        now.undefined_timezone_change_scheduled_output = false;

    uint8_t weekday(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) {  // attention: sunday will be ==0 instead of 7
    using namespace BCD;

    if ( <= 0x31 && now.month.val <= 0x12 && now.year.val <= 0x99) {
        // This will compute the weekday for each year in 2001-2099.
        // If you really plan to use my code beyond 2099 take care of this
        // on your own. My assumption is that it is even unclear if DCF77
        // will still exist then.

        const uint8_t  d = bcd_to_int(;
        const uint16_t m = now.month.val <= 0x02? now.month.val + 10:
        bcd_to_int(now.month) - 2;
        const uint8_t  y = bcd_to_int(now.year) - (now.month.val <= 0x02);
        // m must be of type uint16_t otherwise this will compute crap
        uint8_t day_mod_7 = d + (26*m - 2)/10 + y + y/4;
        // We exploit 8 mod 7 = 1
        while (day_mod_7 >= 7) {
            day_mod_7 -= 7;
            day_mod_7 = (day_mod_7 >> 3) + (day_mod_7 & 7);

        return day_mod_7;  // attention: sunday will be == 0 instead of 7
    } else {
        return 0xff;

    BCD::bcd_t bcd_weekday(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        BCD::bcd_t today;

        today.val = weekday(now);
        if (today.val == 0) {
            today.val = 7;

        return today;

    void autoset_weekday(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        now.weekday = bcd_weekday(now);

    void autoset_timezone(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        // timezone change may only happen at the last sunday of march / october
        // the last sunday is always somewhere in [25-31]

        // Wintertime --> Summertime happens at 01:00 UTC == 02:00 CET == 03:00 CEST,
        // Summertime --> Wintertime happens at 01:00 UTC == 02:00 CET == 03:00 CEST

        if (now.month.val < 0x03) {
            // January or February
            now.uses_summertime = false;
        } else
            if (now.month.val == 0x03) {
                // March
                if ( < 0x25) {
                    // Last Sunday of March must be 0x25-0x31
                    // Thus still to early for summertime
                    now.uses_summertime = false;
                } else
                    if (uint8_t wd = weekday(now)) {
                        // wd != 0 --> not a Sunday
                        if ( - wd < 0x25) {
                            // early March --> wintertime
                            now.uses_summertime = false;
                        } else {
                            // late march summertime
                            now.uses_summertime = true;
                    } else {
                        // last sunday of march
                        // decision depends on the current hour
                        now.uses_summertime = (now.hour.val > 2);
            } else
                if (now.month.val < 0x10) {
                    // April - September
                    now.uses_summertime = true;
                } else
                    if (now.month.val == 0x10) {
                        // October
                        if ( < 0x25) {
                            // early October
                            now.uses_summertime = true;
                        } else
                            if (uint8_t wd = weekday(now)) {
                                // wd != 0 --> not a Sunday
                                if ( - wd < 0x25) {
                                    // early October --> summertime
                                    now.uses_summertime = true;
                                } else {
                                    // late October --> wintertime
                                    now.uses_summertime = false;
                            } else {  // last sunday of october
                if (now.hour.val == 2) {
                    // can not derive the flag from time data
                    // this is the only time the flag is derived
                    // from the flag vector

                } else {
                    // decision depends on the current hour
                    now.uses_summertime = (now.hour.val < 2);
                    } else {
                        // November and December
                        now.uses_summertime = false;

    void autoset_timezone_change_scheduled(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        // summer/wintertime change will always happen
        // at clearly defined hours

        // in doubt have a look here:
        if ( < 0x25 || weekday(now) != 0) {
            // timezone change may only happen at the last sunday of march / october
            // the last sunday is always somewhere in [25-31]

            // notice that undefined (==0xff) day/weekday data will not cause any action
            now.timezone_change_scheduled = false;
        } else {
            if (now.month.val == 0x03) {
                if (now.uses_summertime) {
                    now.timezone_change_scheduled = (now.hour.val == 0x03 && now.minute.val == 0x00); // wintertime to summertime, preparing first minute of summertime
                } else {
                    now.timezone_change_scheduled = (now.hour.val == 0x01 && now.minute.val != 0x00); // wintertime to summertime
            } else if (now.month.val == 0x10) {
                if (now.uses_summertime) {
                    now.timezone_change_scheduled = (now.hour.val == 0x02 && now.minute.val != 0x00); // summertime to wintertime
                } else {
                    now.timezone_change_scheduled = (now.hour.val == 0x02 && now.minute.val == 0x00); // summertime to wintertime, preparing first minute of wintertime
            } else if (now.month.val <= 0x12) {
                now.timezone_change_scheduled = false;

    void verify_leap_second_scheduled(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        // If day or month are unknown we default to "no leap second" because this is alway a very good guess.
        // If we do not know for sure we are either acquiring a lock right now --> we will easily recover from a wrong guess
        // or we have very noisy data --> the leap second bit is probably noisy as well --> we should assume the most likely case

        now.leap_second_scheduled &= ( == 0x01);

        // leap seconds will always happen at 00:00 UTC == 01:00 CET == 02:00 CEST
        if (now.month.val == 0x01) {
            now.leap_second_scheduled &= ((now.hour.val == 0x00 && now.minute.val != 0x00) ||
            (now.hour.val == 0x01 && now.minute.val == 0x00));
        } else if (now.month.val == 0x07 || now.month.val == 0x04 || now.month.val == 0x10) {
            now.leap_second_scheduled &= ((now.hour.val == 0x01 && now.minute.val != 0x00) ||
            (now.hour.val == 0x02 && now.minute.val == 0x00));
        } else {
            now.leap_second_scheduled = false;

    void autoset_control_bits(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        // we can not compute leap seconds, we can only verify if they might happen

    void advance_second(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        // in case some value is out of range it will not be advanced
        // this is on purpose
        if (now.second < 59) {
            if (now.second == 15) {

        } else if (now.leap_second_scheduled && now.second == 59 && now.minute.val == 0x00) {
            now.second = 60;
            now.leap_second_scheduled = false;
        } else if (now.second == 59 || now.second == 60) {
            now.second = 0;

    void advance_minute(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        if (now.minute.val < 0x59) {
        } else if (now.minute.val == 0x59) {
            now.minute.val = 0x00;
            // in doubt have a look here:
            if (now.timezone_change_scheduled && !now.uses_summertime && now.hour.val == 0x01) {
                // Wintertime --> Summertime happens at 01:00 UTC == 02:00 CET == 03:00 CEST,
                // the clock must be advanced from 01:59 CET to 03:00 CEST
                now.uses_summertime = true;
            }  else if (now.timezone_change_scheduled && now.uses_summertime && now.hour.val == 0x02) {
                // Summertime --> Wintertime happens at 01:00 UTC == 02:00 CET == 03:00,
                // the clock must be advanced from 02:59 CEST to 02:00 CET
                now.uses_summertime = false;
            } else {
                if (now.hour.val < 0x23) {
                } else if (now.hour.val == 0x23) {
                    now.hour.val = 0x00;

                    if (now.weekday.val < 0x07) {
                    } else if (now.weekday.val == 0x07) {
                        now.weekday.val = 0x01;

                    if (bcd_to_int( < days_per_month(now)) {
                    } else if (bcd_to_int( == days_per_month(now)) {
               = 0x01;

                        if (now.month.val < 0x12) {
                        } else if (now.month.val == 0x12) {
                            now.month.val = 0x01;

                            if (now.year.val < 0x99) {
                            } else if (now.year.val == 0x99) {
                                now.year.val = 0x00;

    DCF77::tick_t get_current_signal(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        if (now.second >= 1 && now.second <= 14) {
            // weather data or other stuff we can not compute
            return undefined;

        bool result;
        switch (now.second) {
            case 0:  // start of minute
                return short_tick;

            case 15:
                if (now.undefined_uses_backup_antenna_output) { return undefined; }
                result = now.uses_backup_antenna; break;

            case 16:
                if (now.undefined_timezone_change_scheduled_output) { return undefined; }
                result = now.timezone_change_scheduled; break;

            case 17:
                if (now.undefined_uses_summertime_output) {return undefined; }
                result = now.uses_summertime; break;

            case 18:
                if (now.undefined_uses_summertime_output) {return undefined; }
                result = !now.uses_summertime; break;

            case 19:
                result = now.leap_second_scheduled; break;

            case 20:  // start of time information
                return long_tick;

            case 21:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.lo & 0x1; break;
            case 22:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.lo & 0x2; break;
            case 23:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.lo & 0x4; break;
            case 24:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.lo & 0x8; break;

            case 25:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.hi & 0x1; break;
            case 26:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.hi & 0x2; break;
            case 27:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = now.minute.digit.hi & 0x4; break;

            case 28:
                if (now.undefined_minute_output || now.minute.val > 0x59) { return undefined; }
                result = parity(now.minute.val); break;

            case 29:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.lo & 0x1; break;
            case 30:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.lo & 0x2; break;
            case 31:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.lo & 0x4; break;
            case 32:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.lo & 0x8; break;

            case 33:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.hi & 0x1; break;
            case 34:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = now.hour.digit.hi & 0x2; break;

            case 35:
                if (now.hour.val > 0x23) { return undefined; }
                result = parity(now.hour.val); break;

            case 36:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x1; break;
            case 37:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x2; break;
            case 38:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x4; break;
            case 39:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x8; break;

            case 40:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x1; break;
            case 41:
                if ( > 0x31) { return undefined; }
                result = & 0x2; break;

            case 42:
                if (now.weekday.val > 0x7) { return undefined; }
                result = now.weekday.val & 0x1; break;
            case 43:
                if (now.weekday.val > 0x7) { return undefined; }
                result = now.weekday.val & 0x2; break;
            case 44:
                if (now.weekday.val > 0x7) { return undefined; }
                result = now.weekday.val & 0x4; break;

            case 45:
                if (now.month.val > 0x12) { return undefined; }
                result = now.month.digit.lo & 0x1; break;
            case 46:
                if (now.month.val > 0x12) { return undefined; }
                result = now.month.digit.lo & 0x2; break;
            case 47:
                if (now.month.val > 0x12) { return undefined; }
                result = now.month.digit.lo & 0x4; break;
            case 48:
                if (now.month.val > 0x12) { return undefined; }
                result = now.month.digit.lo & 0x8; break;

            case 49:
                if (now.month.val > 0x12) { return undefined; }
                result = now.month.digit.hi & 0x1; break;

            case 50:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.lo & 0x1; break;
            case 51:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.lo & 0x2; break;
            case 52:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.lo & 0x4; break;
            case 53:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.lo & 0x8; break;

            case 54:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.hi & 0x1; break;
            case 55:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.hi & 0x2; break;
            case 56:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.hi & 0x4; break;
            case 57:
                if (now.year.val > 0x99) { return undefined; }
                result = now.year.digit.hi & 0x8; break;

            case 58:
                if (now.weekday.val > 0x07 ||
               > 0x31 ||
                    now.month.val   > 0x12 ||
                    now.year.val    > 0x99) { return undefined; }

                    result = parity(   ^
                    parity(   ^
                    parity(now.month.digit.lo) ^
                    parity(now.month.digit.hi) ^
                    parity(now.weekday.val)    ^
                    parity(now.year.digit.lo)  ^
                    parity(now.year.digit.hi); break;

            case 59:
                // special handling for leap seconds
                if (now.leap_second_scheduled && now.minute.val == 0) { result = 0; break; }
                // standard case: fall through to "sync_mark"
            case 60:
                return sync_mark;

                return undefined;

        return result? long_tick: short_tick;

    void get_serialized_clock_stream(const DCF77::time_data_t &now, DCF77::serialized_clock_stream &data) {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        // bit 16-20  // flags
        data.byte_0 = 0;
        data.byte_0 = set_bit(data.byte_0, 3, now.timezone_change_scheduled );
        data.byte_0 = set_bit(data.byte_0, 4, now.uses_summertime);
        data.byte_0 = set_bit(data.byte_0, 5, !now.uses_summertime);
        data.byte_0 = set_bit(data.byte_0, 6, now.leap_second_scheduled);
        data.byte_0 = set_bit(data.byte_0, 7, 1);

        // bit 21-28  // minutes
        data.byte_1 = set_bit(now.minute.val, 7, parity(now.minute.val));

        // bit 29-36  // hours, bit 0 of day
        data.byte_2 = set_bit(now.hour.val, 6, parity(now.hour.val));
        data.byte_2 = set_bit(data.byte_2, 7,;

        // bit 37-44  // day + weekday
        data.byte_3 =>>1 | now.weekday.val<<5;

        // bit 45-52  // month + bit 0-2 of year
        data.byte_4 = now.month.val | now.year.val<<5;

        const uint8_t date_parity = parity(   ^
        parity(   ^
        parity(now.month.digit.lo) ^
        parity(now.month.digit.hi) ^
        parity(now.weekday.val)    ^
        parity(now.year.digit.lo)  ^
        // bit 53-58  // year + parity
        data.byte_5 = set_bit(now.year.val>>3, 5, date_parity);

    void debug(const DCF77::time_data_t &clock) {
        using namespace Debug;

        Serial.print(F("  "));
        if (clock.second < 10) {
        Serial.print(clock.second, DEC);
        if (clock.uses_summertime) {
            Serial.print(F(" MESZ "));
        } else {
            Serial.print(F(" MEZ "));
        if (clock.leap_second_scheduled) {
            Serial.print(F("leap second scheduled"));
        if (clock.timezone_change_scheduled) {
            Serial.print(F("time zone change scheduled"));

    void debug(const DCF77::time_data_t &clock, const uint16_t cycles) {
        DCF77::time_data_t local_clock = clock;
        DCF77::time_data_t decoded_clock;

        Serial.print(F("M ?????????????? RAZZA S mmmmMMMP hhhhHHP ddddDD www mmmmM yyyyYYYYP S"));
        for (uint16_t second = 0; second < cycles; ++second) {
            switch (local_clock.second) {
                case  0: Serial.println(); break;
                case  1: case 15: case 20: case 21: case 29:
                case 36: case 42: case 45: case 50: case 59: Serial.print(' ');

            const DCF77::tick_t tick_data = get_current_signal(local_clock);

            DCF77_Naive_Bitstream_Decoder::set_bit(local_clock.second, tick_data, decoded_clock);


            if (local_clock.second == 0) {


namespace DCF77_Naive_Bitstream_Decoder {
    using namespace DCF77;

    void set_bit(const uint8_t second, const uint8_t value, time_data_t &now) {
        // The naive value is a way to guess a value for unclean decoded data.
        // It is obvious that this is not necessarily a good value but better
        // than nothing.
        const uint8_t naive_value = (value == long_tick || value == undefined)? 1: 0;
        const uint8_t is_value_bad = value != long_tick && value != short_tick;

        now.second = second;

        switch (second) {
            case 15: now.uses_backup_antenna = naive_value; break;
            case 16: now.timezone_change_scheduled = naive_value; break;

            case 17:
                now.uses_summertime = naive_value;
                now.undefined_uses_summertime_output = is_value_bad;

            case 18:
                if (now.uses_summertime == naive_value) {
                    // if values of bit 17 and 18 match we will enforce a mapping
                    if (!is_value_bad) {
                        now.uses_summertime = !naive_value;
                now.undefined_uses_summertime_output = false;

            case 19:
                // leap seconds are seldom, in doubt we assume none is scheduled
                now.leap_second_scheduled = naive_value && !is_value_bad;

            case 20:
                // start to decode minute data
                now.minute.val = 0x00;
                now.undefined_minute_output = false;

            case 21: now.minute.val +=      naive_value; break;
            case 22: now.minute.val +=  0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 23: now.minute.val +=  0x4*naive_value; break;
            case 24: now.minute.val +=  0x8*naive_value; break;
            case 25: now.minute.val += 0x10*naive_value; break;
            case 26: now.minute.val += 0x20*naive_value; break;
            case 27: now.minute.val += 0x40*naive_value; break;

            case 28: now.hour.val = 0; break;
            case 29: now.hour.val +=      naive_value; break;
            case 30: now.hour.val +=  0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 31: now.hour.val +=  0x4*naive_value; break;
            case 32: now.hour.val +=  0x8*naive_value; break;
            case 33: now.hour.val += 0x10*naive_value; break;
            case 34: now.hour.val += 0x20*naive_value; break;

            case 35:
       = 0x00;
                now.month.val = 0x00;
                now.year.val = 0x00;
                now.weekday.val = 0x00;

            case 36: +=      naive_value; break;
            case 37: +=  0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 38: +=  0x4*naive_value; break;
            case 39: +=  0x8*naive_value; break;
            case 40: += 0x10*naive_value; break;
            case 41: += 0x20*naive_value; break;

            case 42: now.weekday.val +=     naive_value; break;
            case 43: now.weekday.val += 0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 44: now.weekday.val += 0x4*naive_value; break;

            case 45: now.month.val +=      naive_value; break;
            case 46: now.month.val +=  0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 47: now.month.val +=  0x4*naive_value; break;
            case 48: now.month.val +=  0x8*naive_value; break;
            case 49: now.month.val += 0x10*naive_value; break;

            case 50: now.year.val +=      naive_value; break;
            case 51: now.year.val +=  0x2*naive_value; break;
            case 52: now.year.val +=  0x4*naive_value; break;
            case 53: now.year.val +=  0x8*naive_value; break;
            case 54: now.year.val += 0x10*naive_value; break;
            case 55: now.year.val += 0x20*naive_value; break;
            case 56: now.year.val += 0x40*naive_value; break;
            case 57: now.year.val += 0x80*naive_value; break;

namespace DCF77_Flag_Decoder {

    bool uses_backup_antenna;
    int8_t timezone_change_scheduled;
    int8_t uses_summertime;
    int8_t leap_second_scheduled;
    int8_t date_parity;

    void setup() {
        uses_summertime = 0;
        uses_backup_antenna = 0;
        timezone_change_scheduled = 0;
        leap_second_scheduled = 0;
        date_parity = 0;

    void cummulate(int8_t &average, bool count_up) {
        if (count_up) {
            average += (average < 127);
        } else {
            average -= (average > -127);

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        switch (current_second) {
            case 15: uses_backup_antenna = tick_value; break;
            case 16: cummulate(timezone_change_scheduled, tick_value); break;
            case 17: cummulate(uses_summertime, tick_value); break;
            case 18: cummulate(uses_summertime, 1-tick_value); break;
            case 19: cummulate(leap_second_scheduled, tick_value); break;
            case 58: cummulate(date_parity, tick_value); break;

    void reset_after_previous_hour() {
        // HH := hh+1
        // timezone_change_scheduled will be set from hh:01 to HH:00
        // leap_second_scheduled will be set from hh:01 to HH:00

        if (timezone_change_scheduled) {
            timezone_change_scheduled = 0;
            uses_summertime -= uses_summertime;
        leap_second_scheduled = 0;

    void reset_before_new_day() {
        // date_parity will stay the same 00:00-23:59
        date_parity = 0;

    bool get_uses_summertime() {
        return uses_summertime > 0;

    bool get_uses_backup_antenna() {
        return uses_backup_antenna;

    bool get_timezone_change_scheduled() {
        return timezone_change_scheduled > 0;

    bool get_leap_second_scheduled() {
        return leap_second_scheduled > 0;

    void get_quality(uint8_t &uses_summertime_quality,
                     uint8_t &timezone_change_scheduled_quality,
                     uint8_t &leap_second_scheduled_quality) {
        uses_summertime_quality = abs(uses_summertime);
        timezone_change_scheduled_quality = abs(timezone_change_scheduled);
        leap_second_scheduled_quality = abs(leap_second_scheduled);

                     void debug() {
                         Serial.print(F("Backup Antenna, TZ change, TZ, Leap scheduled, Date parity: "));
                         Serial.print(uses_backup_antenna, BIN);
                         Serial.print(timezone_change_scheduled, DEC);
                         Serial.print(uses_summertime, DEC);
                         Serial.print(leap_second_scheduled, DEC);
                         Serial.println(date_parity, DEC);

namespace DCF77_Decade_Decoder {
    const uint8_t decades_per_century = 10;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[decades_per_century];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } decade_bins;

    decade_bins bins;

    void advance_decade() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t decade_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 54: decade_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 55: decade_data.val += 0x02*tick_value; break;
            case 56: decade_data.val += 0x04*tick_value; break;
            case 57: decade_data.val += 0x08*tick_value;
            hamming_binning<decade_bins, 4, false>(bins, decade_data); break;

            case 58: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: decade_data.val = 0;

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_decade() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Decade: "));

namespace DCF77_Year_Decoder {
    const uint8_t years_per_century = 10;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[years_per_century];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } year_bins;

    year_bins bins;

    void advance_year() {
        if (Hamming::get_time_value(bins).val == 0) {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t year_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 50: year_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 51: year_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 52: year_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value; break;
            case 53: year_data.val +=  0x8*tick_value;
            hamming_binning<year_bins, 4, false>(bins, year_data); break;

            case 54: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: year_data.val = 0;

        DCF77_Decade_Decoder::process_tick(current_second, tick_value);

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

        Hamming::lock_quality_t decade_lock_quality;

        Arithmetic_Tools::minimize(lock_quality.lock_max, decade_lock_quality.lock_max);
        Arithmetic_Tools::maximize(lock_quality.noise_max, decade_lock_quality.noise_max);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        const uint8_t qf_years = Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);
        const uint8_t qf_decades = DCF77_Decade_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        return min(qf_years, qf_decades);

    BCD::bcd_t get_year() {
        BCD::bcd_t year = Hamming::get_time_value(bins);
        BCD::bcd_t decade = DCF77_Decade_Decoder::get_decade();

        if (year.val == 0xff || decade.val == 0xff) {
            // undefined handling
            year.val = 0xff;
        } else {
            year.val += decade.val << 4;
        return year;

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Year: "));

namespace DCF77_Month_Decoder {
    const uint8_t months_per_year = 12;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[months_per_year];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } month_bins;

    month_bins bins;

    void advance_month() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t month_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 45: month_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 46: month_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 47: month_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value; break;
            case 48: month_data.val +=  0x8*tick_value; break;
            case 49: month_data.val += 0x10*tick_value;
            hamming_binning<month_bins, 5, false>(bins, month_data); break;

            case 50: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: month_data.val = 0;

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_month() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Month: "));

namespace DCF77_Weekday_Decoder {
    const uint8_t weekdays_per_week = 7;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[weekdays_per_week];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } weekday_bins;

    weekday_bins bins;

    void advance_weekday() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t weekday_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 42: weekday_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 43: weekday_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 44: weekday_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value;
            hamming_binning<weekday_bins, 3, false>(bins, weekday_data); break;
            case 45: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: weekday_data.val = 0;

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_weekday() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Weekday: "));

namespace DCF77_Day_Decoder {
    const uint8_t days_per_month = 31;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[days_per_month];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } day_bins;

    day_bins bins;

    void advance_day() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t day_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 36: day_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 37: day_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 38: day_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value; break;
            case 39: day_data.val +=  0x8*tick_value; break;
            case 40: day_data.val += 0x10*tick_value; break;
            case 41: day_data.val += 0x20*tick_value;
            hamming_binning<day_bins, 6, false>(bins, day_data); break;
            case 42: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: day_data.val = 0;

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_day() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Day: "));

namespace DCF77_Hour_Decoder {
    const uint8_t hours_per_day = 24;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[hours_per_day];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } hour_bins;

    hour_bins bins;

    void advance_hour() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t hour_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 29: hour_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 30: hour_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 31: hour_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value; break;
            case 32: hour_data.val +=  0x8*tick_value; break;
            case 33: hour_data.val += 0x10*tick_value; break;
            case 34: hour_data.val += 0x20*tick_value; break;
            case 35: hour_data.val += 0x80*tick_value;        // Parity !!!
                    hamming_binning<hour_bins, 7, true>(bins, hour_data); break;

            case 36: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: hour_data.val = 0;

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_hour() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Hour: "));

namespace DCF77_Minute_Decoder {
    const uint8_t minutes_per_hour = 60;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[minutes_per_hour];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } minute_bins;

    minute_bins bins;

    void advance_minute() {

    void process_tick(const uint8_t current_second, const uint8_t tick_value) {
        using namespace Hamming;

        static BCD::bcd_t minute_data;

        switch (current_second) {
            case 21: minute_data.val +=      tick_value; break;
            case 22: minute_data.val +=  0x2*tick_value; break;
            case 23: minute_data.val +=  0x4*tick_value; break;
            case 24: minute_data.val +=  0x8*tick_value; break;
            case 25: minute_data.val += 0x10*tick_value; break;
            case 26: minute_data.val += 0x20*tick_value; break;
            case 27: minute_data.val += 0x40*tick_value; break;
            case 28: minute_data.val += 0x80*tick_value;        // Parity !!!
                    hamming_binning<minute_bins, 8, true>(bins, minute_data); break;
            case 29: compute_max_index(bins);
            // fall through on purpose
            default: minute_data.val = 0;

    void setup() {

    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    BCD::bcd_t get_minute() {
        return Hamming::get_time_value(bins);

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Minute: "));

namespace DCF77_Second_Decoder {
    using namespace DCF77;

    const uint8_t seconds_per_minute = 60;
    // this is a trick threshold
    //    lower it to get a faster second lock
    //    but then risk to garble the successive stages during startup
    //    --> to low and total startup time will increase
    const uint8_t lock_threshold = 12;

    typedef struct {
        uint8_t data[seconds_per_minute];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint8_t noise_max;
        uint8_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } sync_bins;

    sync_bins bins;

    serialized_clock_stream convolution_kernel;
    // used to determine how many of the predicted bits are actually observed,
    // also used to indicate if convolution is already applied
    const uint8_t convolution_binning_not_ready = 0xff;
    uint8_t prediction_match = convolution_binning_not_ready;
    uint8_t buffered_match = convolution_binning_not_ready;

    uint8_t get_prediction_match() {
        return buffered_match;

    void set_convolution_time(const DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        DCF77::time_data_t convolution_clock = now;

        // we are always decoding the data for the NEXT minute

        // the convolution kernel shall have proper flag settings

        DCF77_Encoder::get_serialized_clock_stream(convolution_clock, convolution_kernel);
        prediction_match = 0;

    void convolution_binning(const uint8_t tick_data) {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        // determine sync lock
        if (bins.max - bins.noise_max <= lock_threshold || get_second() == 3) {
            // after a lock is acquired this happens only once per minute and it is
            // reasonable cheap to process,
            // that is: after we have a "lock" this will be processed whenever
            // the sync mark was detected


            const uint8_t convolution_weight = 50;
            if (bins.max > 255-convolution_weight) {
                // If we know we can not raise the maximum any further we
                // will lower the noise floor instead.
                for (uint8_t bin_index = 0; bin_index < seconds_per_minute; ++bin_index) {
                bins.max -= convolution_weight;

            buffered_match = prediction_match;

        if (tick_data == sync_mark) {
            if (bins.tick == bins.max_index) {
                prediction_match += 6;
        } else if (tick_data == short_tick || tick_data == long_tick) {
            uint8_t decoded_bit = (tick_data == long_tick);

            // bit 0 always 0
            uint8_t bin = bins.tick>0? bins.tick-1: seconds_per_minute-1;
            const bool is_match = (decoded_bit == 0);
  [bin] += is_match;
            if (bin == bins.max_index) {
                prediction_match += is_match;

            // bit 16 is where the convolution kernel starts
            bin = bin>15? bin-16: bin + seconds_per_minute-16;
            uint8_t current_byte_index = 0;
            uint8_t current_bit_index = 3;
            uint8_t current_byte_value = convolution_kernel.byte_0 >> 3;
            while (current_byte_index < 6) {
                while (current_bit_index < 8) {
                    const uint8_t current_bit_value = current_byte_value & 1;
                    const bool is_match = (decoded_bit == current_bit_value);

          [bin] += is_match;
                    if (bin == bins.max_index) {
                        prediction_match += is_match;

                    bin = bin>0? bin-1: seconds_per_minute-1;

                    current_byte_value >>= 1;

                    if (current_byte_index == 5 && current_bit_index > 5) {
                current_bit_index = 0;
                current_byte_value = (&(convolution_kernel.byte_0))[current_byte_index];

        bins.tick = bins.tick<seconds_per_minute-1? bins.tick+1: 0;

    void sync_mark_binning(const uint8_t tick_data) {
        // We use a binning approach to find out the proper phase.
        // The goal is to localize the sync_mark. Due to noise
        // there may be wrong marks of course. The idea is to not
        // only look at the statistics of the marks but to exploit
        // additional data properties:

        // Bit position  0 after a proper sync is a 0.
        // Bit position 20 after a proper sync is a 1.

        // The binning will work as follows:

        //   1) A sync mark will score +6 points for the current bin
        //      it will also score -2 points for the previous bin
        //                         -2 points for the following bin
        //                     and -2 points 20 bins later
        //  In total this will ensure that a completely lost signal
        //  will not alter the buffer state (on average)

        //   2) A 0 will score +1 point for the previous bin
        //      it also scores -2 point 20 bins back
        //                 and -2 points for the current bin

        //   3) A 1 will score +1 point 20 bins back
        //      it will also score -2 point for the previous bin
        //                     and -2 points for the current bin

        //   4) An undefined value will score -2 point for the current bin
        //                                    -2 point for the previous bin
        //                                    -2 point 20 bins back

        //   5) Scores have an upper limit of 255 and a lower limit of 0.

        // Summary: sync mark earns 6 points, a 0 in position 0 and a 1 in position 20 earn 1 bonus point
        //          anything that allows to infer that any of the "connected" positions is not a sync will remove 2 points

        // It follows that the score of a sync mark (during good reception)
        // may move up/down the whole scale in slightly below 64 minutes.
        // If the receiver should glitch for whatever reason this implies
        // that the clock will take about 33 minutes to recover the proper
        // phase (during phases of good reception). During bad reception things
        // are more tricky.
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        const uint8_t previous_tick = bins.tick>0? bins.tick-1: seconds_per_minute-1;
        const uint8_t previous_21_tick = bins.tick>20? bins.tick-21: bins.tick + seconds_per_minute-21;

        switch (tick_data) {
            case sync_mark:


                { const uint8_t next_tick = bins.tick< seconds_per_minute-1? bins.tick+1: 0;
                bounded_decrement<2>([next_tick]); }

            case short_tick:


            case long_tick:


            case undefined:
        bins.tick = bins.tick<seconds_per_minute-1? bins.tick+1: 0;

        // determine sync lock
        if (bins.max - bins.noise_max <=lock_threshold ||
            get_second() == 3) {
            // after a lock is acquired this happens only once per minute and it is
            // reasonable cheap to process,
            // that is: after we have a "lock" this will be processed whenever
            // the sync mark was detected


    void get_quality(Hamming::lock_quality_t &lock_quality) {
        Hamming::get_quality(bins, lock_quality);

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        return Hamming::get_quality_factor(bins);

    uint8_t get_second() {
        if (bins.max - bins.noise_max >= lock_threshold) {
            // at least one sync mark and a 0 and a 1 seen
            // the threshold is tricky:
            //   higher --> takes longer to acquire an initial lock, but higher probability of an accurate lock
            //   lower  --> higher probability that the lock will oscillate at the beginning
            //              and thus spoil the downstream stages

            // we have to subtract 2 seconds
            //   1 because the seconds already advanced by 1 tick
            //   1 because the sync mark is not second 0 but second 59

            uint8_t second = 2*seconds_per_minute + bins.tick - 2 - bins.max_index;
            while (second >= seconds_per_minute) { second-= seconds_per_minute; }

            return second;
        } else {
            return 0xff;

    void process_single_tick_data(const DCF77::tick_t tick_data) {
        if (prediction_match == convolution_binning_not_ready) {
        } else {

    void setup() {

    void debug() {
        static uint8_t prev_tick;

        if (prev_tick == bins.tick) {
        } else {
            prev_tick = bins.tick;

            Serial.print(F("second: "));
            Serial.print(get_second(), DEC);
            Serial.print(F(" Sync mark index "));
            Serial.print(F("Prediction Match: "));
            Serial.println(prediction_match, DEC);

namespace DCF77_Local_Clock {

    clock_state_t clock_state = useless;
    DCF77::output_handler_t output_handler = 0;
    DCF77::time_data_t local_clock_time;
    volatile bool second_toggle;
    uint16_t tick = 0;

    // This will take more than 100 years to overflow.
    // An overflow would indicate that the clock is
    // running for >100 years without a sync.
    // --> It is pointless to handle this.
    uint32_t unlocked_seconds = 0;

    void setup() {

    void get_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        for (bool stopper = second_toggle; stopper == second_toggle; ) {
            // wait for second_toggle to toggle
            // that is wait for decoded time to be ready
        now = local_clock_time;

    void read_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        now = local_clock_time;

    void process_1_Hz_tick(const DCF77::time_data_t &decoded_time) {
        uint8_t quality_factor = DCF77_Clock_Controller::get_overall_quality_factor();

        if (quality_factor > 1) {
            clock_state = synced;
        } else if (clock_state == synced) {
            clock_state = locked;

        while (true) {
            switch (clock_state) {
                case useless: {
                    if (quality_factor > 0) {
                        clock_state = dirty;
                        break;  // goto dirty state
                    } else {
                        second_toggle = !second_toggle;

                case dirty: {
                    if (quality_factor == 0) {
                        clock_state = useless;
                        second_toggle = !second_toggle;
                    } else {
                        tick = 0;
                        local_clock_time = decoded_time;
                        second_toggle = !second_toggle;

                case synced: {
                    tick = 0;
                    local_clock_time = decoded_time;
                    second_toggle = !second_toggle;

                case locked: {
                    if (DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality_factor() > 1) {
                        // If we are not sure about leap seconds we will skip
                        // them. Worst case is that we miss a leap second due
                        // to noisy reception. This may happen at most once a
                        // year.
                        local_clock_time.leap_second_scheduled = false;

                        // autoset_control_bits is not required because
                        // advance_second will call this internally anyway
                        tick = 0;
                        second_toggle = !second_toggle;
                    } else {
                        clock_state = unlocked;
                        unlocked_seconds = 0;

                case unlocked: {
                    if (200 < tick && tick < 800) {
                        clock_state = free;
                    } else if (DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality_factor() > 1) {
                        clock_state = locked;
                        if (tick < 200) {
                            // time output was handled at most 200 ms before
                            tick = 0;
                        } else {
                            break;  // goto locked state

                case free: {

    void process_1_kHz_tick() {

        if (clock_state == synced || clock_state == locked) {
            // the important part is 150 < 200,
            // otherwise it will fall through to free immediately after changing to unlocked
            if (tick >= 1150) {
                // The 1 Hz pulse was locked but now
                // it is definitely out of phase.
                unlocked_seconds = 1;

                // 1 Hz tick missing for more than 1200ms
                clock_state = unlocked;

        if (clock_state == unlocked || clock_state == free) {
            if (tick >= 1000) {
                tick -= 1000;

                // If we are not sure about leap seconds we will skip
                // them. Worst case is that we miss a leap second due
                // to noisy reception. This may happen at most once a
                // year.
                local_clock_time.leap_second_scheduled = false;

                // autoset_control_bits is not required because
                // advance_second will call this internally anyway
                second_toggle = !second_toggle;

                if (unlocked_seconds > 3000) {
                    clock_state = free;

    void set_output_handler(const DCF77::output_handler_t new_output_handler) {
        output_handler = new_output_handler;

    clock_state_t get_state() {
        return clock_state;

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Clock state: "));
        switch (clock_state) {
            case useless:  Serial.println(F("useless"));  break;
            case dirty:    Serial.println(F("dirty"));    break;
            case free:     Serial.println(F("free"));     break;
            case unlocked: Serial.println(F("unlocked")); break;
            case locked:   Serial.println(F("locked"));   break;
            case synced:   Serial.println(F("synced"));   break;
            default:       Serial.println(F("undefined"));
        Serial.print(F("Tick: "));

namespace DCF77_Clock_Controller {
    uint8_t leap_second = 0;
    DCF77_Clock::output_handler_t output_handler = 0;
    DCF77::time_data_t decoded_time;

    void get_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {

    void read_current_time(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {

    void set_DCF77_encoder(DCF77::time_data_t &now) {
        using namespace DCF77_Second_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Minute_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Hour_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Weekday_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Day_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Month_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Year_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Flag_Decoder;

        now.second  = get_second();
        now.minute  = get_minute();
        now.hour    = get_hour();
        now.weekday = get_weekday();     = get_day();
        now.month   = get_month();
        now.year    = get_year();

        now.uses_backup_antenna       = get_uses_backup_antenna();
        now.timezone_change_scheduled = get_timezone_change_scheduled();
        now.uses_summertime           = get_uses_summertime();
        now.leap_second_scheduled     = get_leap_second_scheduled();

    void flush() {
        // This is called "at the end of each second / before the next second begins."
        // The call is triggered by the decoder stages. Thus it flushes the current
        // decoded time. If the decoders are out of sync this may not be
        // called at all.

        DCF77::time_data_t now;
        DCF77::time_data_t now_1;

        now_1 = now;

        // leap_second offset to compensate for the skipped second tick
        now.second += leap_second > 0;


        decoded_time.second = now.second;
        if (now.second == 0) {
            // the decoder will always decode the data for the NEXT minute
            // thus we have to keep the data of the previous minute
            decoded_time = now_1;
            decoded_time.second = 0;

            if (now.minute.val == 0x01) {
                // We are at the last moment of the "old" hour.
                // The data for the first minute of the new hour is now complete.
                // The point is that we can reset the flags only now.

                now.uses_summertime = DCF77_Flag_Decoder::get_uses_summertime();
                now.timezone_change_scheduled = DCF77_Flag_Decoder::get_timezone_change_scheduled();
                now.leap_second_scheduled = DCF77_Flag_Decoder::get_leap_second_scheduled();

                decoded_time.uses_summertime = now.uses_summertime;
                decoded_time.timezone_change_scheduled = now.timezone_change_scheduled;
                decoded_time.leap_second_scheduled = now.leap_second_scheduled;
                decoded_time.uses_backup_antenna = DCF77_Flag_Decoder::get_uses_backup_antenna();

            if (now.hour.val == 0x23 && now.minute.val == 0x59) {
                // We are now starting to process the data for the
                // new day. Thus the parity flag is of little use anymore.

                // We could be smarter though and merge synthetic parity information with measured historic values.

                // that is: advance(now), see if parity changed, if not so --> fine, otherwise change sign of flag

            // reset leap second
            leap_second &= leap_second < 2;

        // pass control to local clock

    void flush(const DCF77::time_data_t &decoded_time) {
        // This is the callback for the "local clock".
        // It will be called once per second.

        // It ensures that the local clock is decoupled
        // from things like "output handling".
        if (output_handler) {
            DCF77_Clock::time_t time;

            time.second          = BCD::int_to_bcd(decoded_time.second);
            time.minute          = decoded_time.minute;
            time.hour            = decoded_time.hour;
            time.weekday         = decoded_time.weekday;
            time.month           = decoded_time.month;
            time.year            = decoded_time.year;
            time.uses_summertime = decoded_time.uses_summertime;

        if (decoded_time.second == 15 && DCF77_Local_Clock::clock_state != DCF77_Local_Clock::useless
                                      && DCF77_Local_Clock::clock_state != DCF77_Local_Clock::dirty
        ) {

    void process_1_kHz_tick_data(const uint8_t sampled_data) {

    void set_output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::output_handler_t new_output_handler) {
        output_handler = new_output_handler;

    void get_quality(clock_quality_t &clock_quality) {
        DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality(clock_quality.phase.lock_max, clock_quality.phase.noise_max);


    void get_quality_factor(clock_quality_factor_t &clock_quality_factor) {
        clock_quality_factor.phase   = DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.second  = DCF77_Second_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.minute  = DCF77_Minute_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.hour    = DCF77_Hour_Decoder::get_quality_factor();     = DCF77_Day_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.weekday = DCF77_Weekday_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.month   = DCF77_Month_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        clock_quality_factor.year    = DCF77_Year_Decoder::get_quality_factor();

    uint8_t get_overall_quality_factor() {
        using namespace Arithmetic_Tools;

        uint8_t quality_factor = DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality_factor();
        minimize(quality_factor, DCF77_Second_Decoder::get_quality_factor());
        minimize(quality_factor, DCF77_Minute_Decoder::get_quality_factor());
        minimize(quality_factor, DCF77_Hour_Decoder::get_quality_factor());

        uint8_t date_quality_factor = DCF77_Day_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        minimize(date_quality_factor, DCF77_Month_Decoder::get_quality_factor());
        minimize(date_quality_factor, DCF77_Year_Decoder::get_quality_factor());

        const uint8_t weekday_quality_factor = DCF77_Weekday_Decoder::get_quality_factor();
        if (date_quality_factor > 0 && weekday_quality_factor > 0) {

            DCF77::time_data_t now;
            now.second  = DCF77_Second_Decoder::get_second();
            now.minute  = DCF77_Minute_Decoder::get_minute();
            now.hour    = DCF77_Hour_Decoder::get_hour();
            now.weekday = DCF77_Weekday_Decoder::get_weekday();
       = DCF77_Day_Decoder::get_day();
            now.month   = DCF77_Month_Decoder::get_month();
            now.year    = DCF77_Year_Decoder::get_year();

            BCD::bcd_t weekday = DCF77_Encoder::bcd_weekday(now);
            if (weekday.val == 0) {
                weekday.val = 7;
            if (now.weekday.val == weekday.val) {
                date_quality_factor += 1;
            } else if (date_quality_factor <= weekday_quality_factor) {
                date_quality_factor = 0;

        minimize(quality_factor, date_quality_factor);

        return quality_factor;

    uint8_t get_clock_state() {
        return DCF77_Local_Clock::get_state();

    uint8_t get_prediction_match() {
        return DCF77_Second_Decoder::get_prediction_match();

    void debug() {
        clock_quality_t clock_quality;

        clock_quality_factor_t clock_quality_factor;

        Serial.print(F("Quality (p,s,m,h,wd,d,m,y,st,tz,ls,pm): "));
        Serial.print(get_overall_quality_factor(), DEC);
        Serial.print(F(" ("));
        Serial.print(clock_quality.phase.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.phase.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.phase, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.second.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.second.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.second, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.minute.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.minute.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.minute, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.hour.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.hour.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.hour, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.weekday.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.weekday.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.weekday, DEC);

        Serial.print(, DEC);
        Serial.print(, DEC);
        Serial.print(, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.month.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.month.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.month, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.year.lock_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.year.noise_max, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality_factor.year, DEC);

        Serial.print(clock_quality.uses_summertime_quality, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.timezone_change_scheduled_quality, DEC);
        Serial.print(clock_quality.leap_second_scheduled_quality, DEC);

        Serial.println(get_prediction_match(), DEC);

    void phase_lost_event_handler() {

    void sync_lost_event_handler() {
        bool reset_successors = false;

        reset_successors = (DCF77_Demodulator::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

        reset_successors |= (DCF77_Second_Decoder::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

        reset_successors |= (DCF77_Minute_Decoder::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

        reset_successors |= (DCF77_Hour_Decoder::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

        reset_successors |= (DCF77_Hour_Decoder::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

        reset_successors |= (DCF77_Month_Decoder::get_quality_factor() == 0);
        if (reset_successors) {

    void setup() {

    void process_single_tick_data(const DCF77::tick_t tick_data) {
        using namespace DCF77;
        using namespace DCF77_Second_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Minute_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Hour_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Weekday_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Day_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Month_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Year_Decoder;
        using namespace DCF77_Flag_Decoder;

        time_data_t now;
        now.second += leap_second;


        // leap_second == 2 indicates that we are in the 2nd second of the leap second handling
        leap_second <<= 1;
        // leap_second == 1 indicates that we now process second 59 but not the expected sync mark
        leap_second += (now.second == 59 && DCF77_Encoder::get_current_signal(now) != sync_mark);

        if (leap_second != 1) {

            if (now.second == 0) {
                if (now.minute.val == 0x00) {

                    // "while" takes automatically care of timezone change
                    while (get_hour().val <= 0x23 && get_hour().val != now.hour.val) { advance_hour(); }

                    if (now.hour.val == 0x00) {
                        if (get_weekday().val <= 0x07) { advance_weekday(); }

                        // "while" takes automatically care of different month lengths
                        while (get_day().val <= 0x31 && get_day().val != { advance_day(); }

                        if ( == 0x01) {
                            if (get_month().val <= 0x12) { advance_month(); }
                            if (now.month.val == 0x01) {
                                if (now.year.val <= 0x99) { advance_year(); }
            const uint8_t tick_value = (tick_data == long_tick || tick_data == undefined)? 1: 0;
            DCF77_Flag_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Minute_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Hour_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Weekday_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Day_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Month_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);
            DCF77_Year_Decoder::process_tick(now.second, tick_value);

namespace DCF77_Demodulator {
    using namespace DCF77;

    const uint8_t bin_count = 100;

    typedef struct {
        uint16_t data[bin_count];
        uint8_t tick;

        uint32_t noise_max;
        uint32_t max;
        uint8_t max_index;
    } phase_bins;

    phase_bins bins;

    const uint16_t samples_per_second = 1000;

    const uint16_t samples_per_bin = samples_per_second / bin_count;
    const uint16_t bins_per_10ms  = bin_count / 100;
    const uint16_t bins_per_50ms  =  5 * bins_per_10ms;
    const uint16_t bins_per_60ms  =  6 * bins_per_10ms;
    const uint16_t bins_per_100ms = 10 * bins_per_10ms;
    const uint16_t bins_per_200ms = 20 * bins_per_10ms;
    const uint16_t bins_per_500ms = 50 * bins_per_10ms;

    void setup() {

    void decode_220ms(const uint8_t input, const uint8_t bins_to_go) {
        // will be called for each bin during the "interesting" 220ms

        static uint8_t count = 0;
        static uint8_t decoded_data = 0;

        count += input;
        if (bins_to_go >= bins_per_100ms + bins_per_10ms) {
            if (bins_to_go == bins_per_100ms + bins_per_10ms) {
                decoded_data = count > bins_per_50ms? 2: 0;
                count = 0;
        } else {
            if (bins_to_go == 0) {
                decoded_data += count > bins_per_50ms? 1: 0;
                count = 0;
                // pass control further
                // decoded_data: 3 --> 1
                //               2 --> 0,
                //               1 --> undefined,
                //               0 --> sync_mark

    uint16_t wrap(const uint16_t value) {
        // faster modulo function which avoids division
        uint16_t result = value;
        while (result >= bin_count) {
            result-= bin_count;
        return result;

    void phase_detection() {
        // We will compute the integrals over 200ms.
        // The integrals is used to find the window of maximum signal strength.
        uint32_t integral = 0;

        for (uint16_t bin = 0; bin < bins_per_100ms; ++bin)  {
            integral += ((uint32_t)[bin])<<1;

        for (uint16_t bin = bins_per_100ms; bin < bins_per_200ms; ++bin)  {
            integral += (uint32_t)[bin];

        bins.max = 0;
        bins.max_index = 0;
        for (uint16_t bin = 0; bin < bin_count; ++bin) {
            if (integral > bins.max) {
                bins.max = integral;
                bins.max_index = bin;

            integral -= (uint32_t)[bin]<<1;
            integral += (uint32_t)([wrap(bin + bins_per_100ms)] +[wrap(bin + bins_per_200ms)]);

        // max_index indicates the position of the 200ms second signal window.
        // Now how can we estimate the noise level? This is very tricky because
        // averaging has already happened to some extend.

        // The issue is that most of the undesired noise happens around the signal,
        // especially after high->low transitions. So as an approximation of the
        // noise I test with a phase shift of 200ms.
        bins.noise_max = 0;
        const uint16_t noise_index = wrap(bins.max_index + bins_per_200ms);

        for (uint16_t bin = 0; bin < bins_per_100ms; ++bin)  {
            bins.noise_max += ((uint32_t)[wrap(noise_index + bin)])<<1;

        for (uint16_t bin = bins_per_100ms; bin < bins_per_200ms; ++bin)  {
            bins.noise_max += (uint32_t)[wrap(noise_index + bin)];

    uint8_t phase_binning(const uint8_t input) {
        // how many seconds may be cummulated
        // this controls how slow the filter may be to follow a phase drift
        // N times the clock precision shall be smaller 1
        // clock 30 ppm => N < 300
        const uint16_t N = 300;


        if (input) {
            if ([bins.tick] < N) {
        } else {
            if ([bins.tick] > 0) {
        return bins.tick;

    void detector_stage_2(const uint8_t input) {
        const uint8_t current_bin = bins.tick;

        const uint8_t threshold = 30;

        if (bins.max-bins.noise_max < threshold ||
            wrap(bin_count + current_bin - bins.max_index) == 53) {
            // Phase detection far enough out of phase from anything that
            // might consume runtime otherwise.

            static uint8_t bins_to_process = 0;

        if (bins_to_process == 0) {
            if (wrap((bin_count + current_bin - bins.max_index)) <= bins_per_100ms ||   // current_bin at most 100ms after phase_bin
                wrap((bin_count + bins.max_index - current_bin)) <= bins_per_10ms ) {   // current bin at most 10ms before phase_bin
                // if phase bin varies to much during one period we will always be screwed in may ways...

                // last 10ms of current second

            // start processing of bins
                bins_to_process = bins_per_200ms + 2*bins_per_10ms;

        if (bins_to_process > 0) {

            // this will be called for each bin in the "interesting" 220ms
            // this is also a good place for a "monitoring hook"
            decode_220ms(input, bins_to_process);

    void detector(const uint8_t sampled_data) {
        static uint8_t current_sample = 0;
        static uint8_t average = 0;

        // detector stage 0: average 10 samples (per bin)
        average += sampled_data;

        if (++current_sample >= samples_per_bin) {
            // once all samples for the current bin are captured the bin gets updated
            // that is each 10ms control is passed to stage 1
            const uint8_t input = (average> samples_per_bin/2);



            average = 0;
            current_sample = 0;

    void get_quality(uint32_t &lock_max, uint32_t &noise_max) {
        lock_max = bins.max;
        noise_max = bins.noise_max;

    uint8_t get_quality_factor() {
        uint32_t delta = bins.max - bins.noise_max;

        uint8_t log2_plus_1 = 0;
        uint32_t max = bins.max;
        while (max) {
            max >>= 1;

        // crude approximation for delta/log2(max)
        while (log2_plus_1) {
            log2_plus_1 >>= 1;
            delta >>= 1;

        return delta<256? delta: 255;

    void debug() {
        Serial.print(F("Phase: "));

namespace DCF77_Clock {
    typedef void (*output_handler_t)(const time_t &decoded_time);
    typedef uint8_t (*input_provider_t)(void);

    void setup() {

    void setup(const input_provider_t input_provider, const output_handler_t output_handler) {

    void debug() {

    void set_input_provider(const input_provider_t input_provider) {

    void set_output_handler(const output_handler_t output_handler) {

    void convert_time(const DCF77::time_data_t &current_time, time_t &now) {
        now.second          = BCD::int_to_bcd(current_time.second);
        now.minute          = current_time.minute;
        now.hour            = current_time.hour;
        now.weekday         = current_time.weekday;             =;
        now.month           = current_time.month;
        now.year            = current_time.year;
        now.uses_summertime = current_time.uses_summertime;

    void get_current_time(time_t &now) {
        DCF77::time_data_t current_time;

        convert_time(current_time, now);

    void read_current_time(time_t &now) {
        DCF77::time_data_t current_time;

        convert_time(current_time, now);

    void print(time_t time) {
        Serial.print(' ');
        Serial.print(time.weekday.val & 0xF, HEX);
        Serial.print(' ');

        if (time.uses_summertime) {
            Serial.print(F(" MESZ "));
        } else {
            Serial.print(F(" MEZ "));

    uint8_t get_overall_quality_factor() {
        return DCF77_Clock_Controller::get_overall_quality_factor();

    uint8_t get_clock_state() {
        return DCF77_Clock_Controller::get_clock_state();

    uint8_t get_prediction_match() {
        return DCF77_Clock_Controller::get_prediction_match();

namespace DCF77_1_Khz_Generator {
    uint8_t zero_provider() {
        return 0;

    static DCF77_Clock::input_provider_t the_input_provider = zero_provider;

    void init_timer_2() {
        // Timer 2 CTC mode, prescaler 64
        TCCR2B = (0<<WGM22) | (1<<CS22);
        TCCR2A = (1<<WGM21) | (0<<WGM20);

        // 249 + 1 == 250 == 250 000 / 1000 =  (16 000 000 / 64) / 1000
        OCR2A = 249;

        // enable Timer 2 interrupts
        TIMSK2 = (1<<OCIE2A);

    void stop_timer_0() {
        // ensure that the standard timer interrupts will not
        // mess with msTimer2
        TIMSK0 = 0;

    void setup(const DCF77_Clock::input_provider_t input_provider) {
        the_input_provider = input_provider;


const uint8_t dcf77_analog_sample_pin = 5;
const uint8_t dcf77_sample_pin = 19; // A5
const uint8_t dcf77_inverted_samples = 1;
const uint8_t dcf77_analog_samples = 1;

const uint8_t dcf77_monitor_pin = 18;  // A4

const uint8_t lower_output_pin = 2;
const uint8_t upper_output_pin = 17;

const uint8_t dcf77_rolling_monitor_lower_pin = 4;
const uint8_t dcf77_rolling_monitor_upper_pin = 13;

uint8_t counter = 0;
uint8_t rolling_pin = dcf77_rolling_monitor_lower_pin;

void reset_output_pins() {
    for (uint8_t pin = lower_output_pin; pin <= upper_output_pin; ++pin) {
        digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void setup_output_pins() {
    for (uint8_t pin = lower_output_pin; pin <= upper_output_pin; ++pin) {
        pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

uint8_t sample_input_pin() {

    const uint8_t sampled_data = dcf77_inverted_samples ^
        (dcf77_analog_samples? (analogRead(dcf77_analog_sample_pin) > 200):

    digitalWrite(dcf77_monitor_pin, sampled_data);
    return sampled_data;

namespace MaxTicks {
    void output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::time_t &decoded_time) {
        rolling_pin = lower_output_pin;
        counter = 0;

    uint8_t sample_input_pin() {
        static uint8_t ticks_per_cycle = 12;

        // reuse the sample code from the global namespace
        uint8_t sampled_data = ::sample_input_pin();

        // additional code for the tick visualization
        digitalWrite(rolling_pin, sampled_data);

        if (counter < ticks_per_cycle) {
        } else {
            rolling_pin = rolling_pin < upper_output_pin? rolling_pin + 1: lower_output_pin;
            counter = 1;
            // toggle between 12 and 13 to get 12.5 on average
            ticks_per_cycle = 25-ticks_per_cycle;

        return sampled_data;

    void setup() {

namespace Ticks {
    void output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::time_t &decoded_time) {
        rolling_pin = dcf77_rolling_monitor_lower_pin;
        counter = 0;

    uint8_t sample_input_pin() {
        // reuse the sample code from the global namespace
        uint8_t sampled_data = ::sample_input_pin();

        // additional code for the tick visualization
        digitalWrite(rolling_pin, sampled_data);

        if (counter < 20) {
        } else {
            rolling_pin = rolling_pin < dcf77_rolling_monitor_upper_pin? rolling_pin + 1: dcf77_rolling_monitor_lower_pin;
            counter = 1;

        return sampled_data;

    void setup() {

namespace Seconds {
    void output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::time_t &decoded_time) {
        uint8_t out = decoded_time.second.val;
        uint8_t pin = lower_output_pin + 3;
        for (uint8_t bit=0; bit<8; ++bit) {
            digitalWrite(pin++, out & 0x1);
            out >>= 1;

            if (bit==3) {

    void setup() {

namespace Hours_and_Minutes {
    void output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::time_t &decoded_time) {
        uint8_t pin = lower_output_pin;

        uint8_t out = decoded_time.minute.val;
        for (uint8_t bit=0; bit<7; ++bit) {
            digitalWrite(pin++, out & 0x1);
            out >>= 1;

        out = decoded_time.hour.val;
        for (uint8_t bit=0; bit<6; ++bit) {
            digitalWrite(pin++, out & 0x1);
            out >>= 1;

    void setup() {

namespace Months_and_Days {
    void output_handler(const DCF77_Clock::time_t &decoded_time) {
        uint8_t pin = lower_output_pin;

        uint8_t out =;
        for (uint8_t bit=0; bit<6; ++bit) {
            digitalWrite(pin++, out & 0x1);
            out >>= 1;

        out = decoded_time.month.val;
        for (uint8_t bit=0; bit<5; ++bit) {
            digitalWrite(pin++, out & 0x1);
            out >>= 1;

    void setup() {

void help() {
    Serial.println(F("use serial interface to alter display settings"));
    Serial.println(F("  t --> 10 ticks"));
    Serial.println(F("  T --> 16 ticks"));
    Serial.println(F("  s --> BCD seconds"));
    Serial.println(F("  h --> BCD hours and minutes"));
    Serial.println(F("  m --> BCD months and days"));

void setup() {
    using namespace DCF77_Encoder;

    Serial.println(F("DCF77 Clock V1.0"));
    Serial.println(F("(c) Udo Klein 2013"));
    Serial.print(F("Sample Pin:    ")); Serial.println(dcf77_sample_pin);
    Serial.print(F("Inverted Mode: ")); Serial.println(dcf77_inverted_samples);
    Serial.print(F("Analog Mode:   ")); Serial.println(dcf77_analog_samples);
    Serial.print(F("Monitor Pin:   ")); Serial.println(dcf77_monitor_pin);
    pinMode(dcf77_monitor_pin, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(dcf77_sample_pin, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(dcf77_sample_pin, HIGH);




void loop() {
    if (Serial.available()) {
        switch ( {
            case 't': Ticks::setup(); break;
            case 'T': MaxTicks::setup(); break;
            case 's': Seconds::setup(); break;
            case 'h': Hours_and_Minutes::setup(); break;
            case 'm': Months_and_Days::setup(); break;

            default: help();

    DCF77_Clock::time_t now;


    if (now.month.val > 0) {
        Serial.print(F("Decoded time: "));



Want to see more details – have a look at the final two videos. The first video shows a full acquisition cycle while the rattler is running. The clock locked to the signal within less than 15 minutes.

The final video exhibits the signal quality display and the BCD display modes.

24 Responses to The Clock

  1. Magnus Svantesson says:

    Fantastic, very advanced DSP-programing!
    Being a Arduino newbie, which hardware would you suggest for a mobile DCF NTP with a RTC for backup? Also, will you be doing anything more DCF-related in the future (soft-, hardware)?

    • Thanks for the flowers šŸ™‚ My next step is to evaluate different receiver module / antenna combinations.

      For a mobile ntp solution you would need to be more specific on the requirements. How expensive? Which size? Which power consuption? Which reliability? Which reception conditions? Without that knowledge my best guess would be to use something like a Raspi connect some good quality RTC (e.g. a RasClock module with an NXP PCF2127AT, alternatively I would think about a DS3232). Then I would setup the NTP as a stratum 1 server with 3 independent stratum 0 clocks. One of them would probably be some HKW receiver module for DCF77 and one for FSK and probably one GPS module. If strong interference / a noisy environment is expected I would of course use two DIY Arduinos clomes and my algorithm to improve noise resilence. To add some more over engineering I would substitute the crystal by a more stable TCXO (which in turn would allow to increase the time constants in my algorithm improving the noise tolerance).

  2. Magnus Svantesson says:

    Damn! I asked one question and I got hammered with way too much info. šŸ™‚
    Now I’ve got new words to check out; FSK, TCXO and stratum 0/1.

    I understand replacing the Arduino crystal with a TCXO has been done, but way too little info on the subject for my liking.

    I think I’ll sit tight & wait for next month issue. šŸ˜‰


  3. Werner Gaulke says:

    Many thanks for your inspiring article series. I am following it since februrary. Now i wanted to test your software and make my own experiments. I started with the Second Decoder. I am using a ARDUINO UNO Rev 3 board and a DCF77 module from Pollin. All seemed to work ok, The phase locked after 2-3min and shortly after the seconds too. Then i tried the Time Date decoder. But with little sucess. The Phase and seconds locked like before but the time and date could not be decoded because of bad quality values. The DCF77 signal was very clean (controlled by an oszilloscope), so the reason had to be something else.I checked the interupt processing time ( like you in your article ) and found that ounce per second was an interupt with a processing time of over 2ms. Therefore each second there were lost 2-3 interupts, which possibly disturbed the decoding process.
    This is in opposition to your description so my question is, if you have a possible explanation for this behaviour. I tried Arduino Software 1.0.4 and 1.5.2 with the same result.


    Werner Gaulke

    • Hi Werner,

      can you post some screenshot of the scope or send it to me by mail?

      With regard to the Uno: the Uno does not have a crystal. This in turn implies that it has lousy clock stability. However my software needs a stable local clock. I am currently investigating this here: Would you mind to run the sketch from the Arduino Forum and post the log into the same thread? Just to get a feel of how good/bad your clock actually is.

      With regard to the 2ms interrupts: this is definitely another issue but must be investigated nevertheless. But I definitely need to see the scope screenshots such that I get an idea when exactly this happens. That is: is the long interrupt periodic with something very close to 1 Hz or is it somewhat sporadic?


  4. Magnus Svantesson says:

    If you only found TCXOs for 3.3 volts, is it a alternative to change the Arduino board to that voltage (

    • 3.3V is outside the SOA if running at 16 MHz. IMHO the conversion is not a good idea. Even Adafruit notices that it is “probably OK” which translates to: works only 99% of the time. This is something that I will definitely not do.

  5. jmr says:

    For example all JeeNodes ( are 3.3V arduino-compatible boards running at 16 MHz – no issues on hundreds of sold boards.

    • According to Atmel this is out of the SOA. And of course jeelabs does not specify a temperature range for their product. Also nobody knows how their JeeNodes perform under loaded IO pins or even small transients. I am definitely not going to design something with the central piece so far outside of the SOA.

      • jmr says:

        Definitely see your point. But there are quite a few people including me who do know very well how they perform.

  6. tdr says:

    First of all, Thank you for the hard Work.
    I am not able to get the Conrad DCF Module to work, so i wanted some LCD output to monitor without a PC.
    I do not get any LCD print with the standard library (tried several different pin configs). Maybe you could point out which pins you are using and which are free to use.
    Thank you!

  7. Meo says:


    I have uploaded the code to a UNO using the arduino IDE and a DCF77 receiver from Conrad. However it seems to run, according to the blinking leds on the UNO every second or so, I get unreadable characters on the serial monitor like: HĀ‘Ć«Ć\Ā’NĀ§ ĀŗO$Ā‡OƓĀs every second.
    What am I doing wrong?


  8. Meo says:

    Thanks, I will consider to go for the blinkenlighty then, however it seems a bit of an overkill to use that just to build a clock.
    Any suggestions?

  9. ramade says:

    I do not quite understand since
    One of the posters write ” Im using an Arduino uno R3 ” and all works ok
    -Werner Gaulke”
    and bellow, another post that states” Arduini Uno are not compatible”
    So it quite puzzling
    any suggestion?

    • It depends on which experiments you are dealing with. All experiments that need precise timing will not work with an Uno. If someone found that the advanced DCF77 clock worked with his Arduino then it may be for one of the following reasons: (1) it was not the advanced noise resilent clock but this one, (2) it was an “older” Arduino design that still has a crystal clock.


  10. Steve S says:

    That’s some impressive coding! However, I am not having much success in getting the clock to synchronise with your code above as the clock state continually reports as “useless”. I am using an Arduino Uno R3 with 16MHz crystal (Farnell 2075382) and DCF77 module from PV Electronics. This hardware combination works with the Arduino DCF77 Library and its InternalClockSync example. Any pointers would be appreciated as I would love to achieve the noise tolerance and resilience your program offers. Thank you.

  11. Steve S says:

    My mistake! I’ve just noticed in the Arduino literature that a ceramic resonator is used. The visible crystal must be for the USB serial controller. Will try this again with a home-brew Arduino using a real crystal!

  12. Ralph Drewello says:

    Hi Udo, excellent work which I found after searching the web for DCF-77 decoders. Because I wanted to use your library in my own project “Studio Design” clock I will donate something.
    Do you see any chance to speed up the first synchronisation with DCF signal? Have you ever tested the HKW EM2S DCF receiver modul? Which one would you recommend after your testing?
    Again many thanks for providing your intellectual capital to the open source community. During the next weeks I will go more in detail with the source code.


    • Hi Ralph,

      thanks for the donation. The HKW module looks like the one I tested here: This is an excellent module.

      With regard to the lock: the library already contains a namespace “Naive_Bitstream_Decoder” which could be leveraged. However I would like to better understand why you need faster clock acquisition. Typically clocks will sync only once and then just need to keep a phase lock. Hence I did not design for fast acquisition speed. Adding this would be possible but I would need to understand why this would be a viable goal. I also would need to know if there are additional things that might speed up acquisition siginificantly (e.g. a RTC that might be used to derive the current date and maybe even the hour).

      Best regards, Udo

      • Ralph Drewello says:

        Thank you very much for your comment. Didn’t see your great receiver test until now. I will test the HKW module soon in comparision to my existing ELV module.
        Yes you’re right the acceleration of the first synchronisaton would be nice but not really important. However in combination with an RTC it could be interesting to check how the sync speeds up while using existing values coming from RTC. Perhaps this is something which is worth to think about it. Because I am planning to use a DS1307 RTC in my current clock project I will be able to test something. Will report soon.

        Best regards, Ralph

  13. DS1307 suck if you care about accuracy. DS3231 and similar are only insignificantly more expensive and provide ~10 times better accurary. With regard to the startup, if a DS3231 would be used and it would be known that it runs unsynced for less than a year, then a reliable lock would be easily possible in 1-2 minutes even in the presence of noise. However if you have a DS3231 then it would not matter if it takes 2 or 20 minutes as it would not drift a lot anyway.

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